Sunday, April 20, 2008

Loaf #7

[image of two loaves]

Today's first dough is a rye bread, made into two pan loaves as seen in the picture. The recpie is similar to what I have described earlier on this blog:

I took most of my rye-based sourdough culture (about 200 grams, with 150 % hydration), which had grown for about half a day in room temperature since being taken out of the fridge, where it had been put just after feeding. I added 900 grams of water and a gram of salt. I whisked it well, and added 400 grams of traditionally threshed (smoked) rye flour, and whisked again. This pre-ferment I let sit in room temperature for about twelve hours. Then I added about 500 grams of rye flour, and mixed well; this batter I let ferment in room temperature. After about one and a half hours the batter had doubled its size (surprisingly fast, that), and I poured the batter in oiled pans. I let the larger loaf proof for three hours and the smaller four hours. I baked both (separately) in 150 °C for about 60 minutes with a water pan in the oven. The crumb temperature after removal from oven was 91 °C for both loaves.

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